Saturday, December 5, 2009

Weight loss tips (some of which you may not know)

The holidays are coming – and so is weight gain! In the spirit of fighting obesity and losing weight, here are some tips to help you:


Do not be afraid of fatty food. Just because something has fat does not mean you fatty food weight loss tips lose weight healthy must avoid it. Fat makes you feel full as it helps keep hunger pangs at bay. For instance, a big breakfast with adequate fats helps people lose weight. Remember that "fat will not make you fat" as long as you take it in moderation.



Remember that extra protein & carbohydrates will also be stored as fat in the body. A lot of people eat too much protein,  tprotein weight loss tips weight loss plan effective weight loss tipshinking it is not going to be converted into body fat. However, biochemistry books tell otherwise. As a matter of fact, ALL sources of calories will be converted to body fat if they are not needed by the body. Amino acids from protein and simple sugars from carbohydrates become acetyl coenzyome A, which enter the Kreb’s cycle to become fatty acids. Therefore, if you want to lose weight, consider protein and carbohydrate calories as well and not just fat calories.

Eat more fruits and vegetables. Fruits and veggies are one of the secret weapons veggies effective weight loss tips for effective weight loss. They have a lot of fiber which give bulk to food without packing in calories. In other words, it may look like you ate a lot but you have consumed only a few calories. A cup of rice can have the same calories as 5 cups of greens! (A cup of vegetables has around only 50 calories.)


When buying groceries, buy healthy options that you love. Buy fruits, vegetables, grocery weight loss tips weight loss plan effective weight loss tips lean meat. Skip the instant noodles and junk food. If you have to, just buy a bag or two. Avoid stocking up on unhealthy food. Out of sight, out of mind. It is easier to stick to your weight loss plan if you keep temptation as far away from you as possible.


Skip the soda or iced tea. A can of soda can give you as much as 150 calories -- or soda weight loss tips weight loss plan effective weight loss tips up to 3 cups of vegetables! If you cannot do without soda, get the diet variety as they have zero calories. No calories equals no weight gain.





Stay away from fast food. Fast food makefastfood weight loss tips lose weights it more difficult for people to lose weight because they are packed with calories. Although fast food chains are now showing us healthier choices, the truth is, what you will want to eat from them are the unhealthy ones. So what if they serve a salad if you still end up ordering a double cheeseburger with large fries?


Everyone should wage war against obesity. You sometimes hear about how some overweight people do not want to lose weight because they "love themselves." Unfortunately, they are missing the point; it is not about how they look but about how they are risking their health by staying overweight. After all, loving yourself means keeping your body fit and healthy.

Lastly, losing weight should not simply be a matter of looking good; it should be about keeping healthy. The great figure that comes with weight loss is just a bonus.


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